Sunday, November 9, 2008

Implosion '08

Check out the video of implosion of a hotel building here in Dallas. The implosion happens towards the end of the video. Drag the cursor to up to 2 min. and then watch the video. Its a matter of few seconds and the building is on the ground. Watching it happen was a goosebumpy experience.... :)


ateya said...

you saw this in real life or what!!!

Uma Joshi said...

Yup..very exciting!!

Unknown said...

u actually witnessed this??? beck stuff??! neat yaar!

Unknown said...

oh ok,, just saw the previous Q and the answer right after i posted mine... neverthless, hav still left u one more Q to get to... :-)


Uma Joshi said...

no not beck stuff...but i did find this out from one of the emails circulated at Beck...was good fun..i went with mayuri